Category Archives: Food for Thought

What does The Law of Attraction Mean to You?

“Law of Attraction” What do these words mean to you? The Secret? Vibration? Magnetism? Thinking about what you want and leaving it to the Universe to deliver? Over-commercialized hype? I have heard it all – people believing that this is … Continue reading

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What Can We Learn From Our Children?

“Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they’re looking for ideas” Paula Poundstone Children have such wisdom. They see life in an uncomplicated manner, and ask the age old question “Why?” … Continue reading

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How Do I Make Changes To My Life?

Let me ask you a question. How many people could tie their shoelaces the first time they tried? I can remember when I first taught my children how to tie their shoes – it was around the time they started … Continue reading

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What Other People Think of Me is None of My Business

Many people have told me over the course of my life that ““What other people think about you is none of your business.” Early in my life, and even in recent times, I had striven to be liked, to not … Continue reading

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Sometimes It Is Not Easy To Be Positive

One of my friends, some-one usually very upbeat and happy, said to me the other day “It’s not always easy to be positive”. This was from someone who lights up the room when she enters, is the life of the … Continue reading

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Learn to Appreciate What You Have in Your Life

A lot of people, myself included have been guilty of taking things for granted at times. No matter what you do, who you meet or what you get, there is always something more!

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Don’t Put Up With Someday Disease

“Someday I will go back to College and further my education” “Someday I will get out of this job that I really don’t like and have my own business” Someday, I will start to go for a walk in the … Continue reading

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Are You Thinking Your Way To Change?

How many of us dread the alarm ringing early on Monday morning? That feeling of dread as you slowly open your eyes and realize it is the start of a new week? You begin to think of the numerous calls … Continue reading

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